King's Street

Top Places and Businesses in King's Street

Office of the Deputy Chief Secretary (Personnal & Training) Council, King's Street, Badulla, Sri Lanka. Contact: 94552228626 Web:
Uva Provincial Revenue Department ඌව පළාත් ආදායම් ‌ෙදෙපාර්තමේන්තුව පළාත්සභා සංකීර්ණය , රජ වීදිය, බදුල්ල Provincial Council Complex, King's Street, Badulla, Sri Lanka. Contact: 94552224550 Web:
Yamuna Shoe Palace No. 02, King's Street, Badulla, Sri Lanka.
Minister of Youth affairs, Sport, Social Welfare, Estate Infrastructures Development, Energy and Power, Small Industry Textile Uva Provincial Council, King's Street, Badulla, Sri Lanka. Contact: 94552222461 Web: