has listed approx 70 Government offices in Colombo. Some of the Top rated Government offices in Colombo are- Attorney General's Department, Attorney General's Department, Immigration Office - Colombo Harbour, Sri Lanka Judges' Institute, Sri Lanka Judges' Institute, Signal and Telecommunication Department Sri Lanka Railways. சமிக்ஞை மற்றும் தொலைத்தொடர்பு உப திணைக்களம் இலங்கை புகையிரத சேவை. සංඥා හා විදුලි සංදේශ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව ශ්රී ලංකා දුම්රිය සේවය, National Water Supply & Drainage Board, Land Reclamation & Development Co. Ltd, Board of investment of SriLanka & Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation.